Dilworth Home and School Club

Our Mission

To support the students, teachers, and staff of Nelson S. Dilworth Elementary School. To build strong community connections between the school and families with transparency and offering opportunities for parent and community involvement. To create new and maintain long standing traditions that create a culture of pride in our school.

What is Home School Club?

The Dilworth Home and School Club is a parent teacher organization with the mission to make Dilworth an exceptional school. We strive to achieve this through funding key programs, community-building activities, and other extras for the school that are not provided by the school district. You do not need to pay/donate to join. All staff and parents of students enrolled at Dilworth Elementary School are members of the Home and School Club.

Why HSC?

HSC is a 501(3)(c) nonprofit, nonsectarian, and nonpartisan group. HSC does not pay fees to an oversight organization. HSC does not require a fee to be a member. HSC uses all of your donations directly toward the students and school. 

Where does the money come from?

Generous donations from our parent community members are what give the HSC the ability to fund programs and events for the school. We are suggesting $250 per child for the 2024-2025 school year.

What does my donations go toward?

The HSC will support Dilworth's art program, PE program, librarian hours, special program coordinator hours, social events, fundraising events, and classroom fund.

Where can you donate to HSC?

You can donate directly to the Dilworth Elementary Home and School Club (EIN 94-2392964) via:

All donations are tax-deductible!


Like many other CUSD schools, we have partnered with the Cupertino Education Endowment Foundation (CEEF) to collect donations as well. You may be eligible for company match when you donate through CEEF (EIN 77-0073617).


HSC Executive Board (2024-2025 School Year)

President - Deepika Srinivasan

Co-President - (Volunteer Lead) - Rachel Khathuria-Williams

Vice President - (Communications) - Priya Garnepudi

Treasurer - Christine Chung

Co-Treasurer - Olivia Vallis

Secretary - Noha Akkari

Where to get information?